World-Class Bariatric Surgery

Effective Weight Loss Surgery in Mexico

We offer several minimally invasive surgical options to lose weight. Our team of highly trained, board-certified surgeons utilizes the latest technology.

Jorge Castillo, MD can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Our different locations in Tijuana, Ensenada and Mexicali.

You can start an online consultation from your home.

Bariatric Surgery Center Of Excellence

Minimally Invasive Weight loss Surgery in Mexico

Welcome to Tijuana Bariatric Surgery, your destination for comprehensive medical and surgical weight loss solutions in Tijuana, Mexico. At Tijuana Bariatric Surgery, we offer a spectrum of medical endoscopic, surgical, and minimally invasive weight loss procedures with excellent outcomes.

Dr. Jorge Castillo and his team offers top quality bariatric surgery in Tijuana, Mexicali and Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Dr. Jorge Castillo is a well-recognized, highly respected weight loss surgeon with years of experience and thousands of successful patients.

Years of experience


Years of Experience

Tijuana Bariatric Surgery

Weight-loss surgery changes the shape and function of your digestive system. This surgery may help you lose weight and manage medical conditions related to obesity. These conditions include diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, and risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
Dr. Jorge Castillo - Board Certified Bariatric Surgeon


Board Certifications
Bariatric Procedures

Procedures to Treat Obesity and Related Conditions

A weight-loss procedure that alters the way your stomach and small intestine digest food.

A weight-loss surgery that reduces the size of the stomach and reroutes the small intestine.

Known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight-loss procedure that removes part of the stomach.

A gastric balloon is a medical device that is placed in the stomach to help with weight loss.

Dr. Jorge Castillo is the leading bariatric surgeon at Tijuana Bariatric Surgery.

Dr. Jorge Castillo Board Certified in Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Jorge Castillo can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Dr. Castillo has earned an international reputation as one of the best bariatric surgeons in Tijuana, Mexico especially in Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass and revision surgery.

Dr. Jorge Castillo is a board-certified active member of the ASMBS (American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery), Mexican College of Obesity Surgery (CMCO), Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery (AMCE), and International Federation for The Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO).

Dr. Castillo is an expert in the field of Gastrointestinal Metabolic Surgery, which includes metabolic diseases linked to obesity such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and fatty liver disease, and in the field of laparoscopic bariatric surgery, which includes the treatment of obesity.

Generally, a good candidate for bariatric surgery is an adult with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or higher with a serious obesity-related health problem, who has tried other weight loss methods without success and is committed to long-term lifestyle changes.

Dr. Jorge Castillo at Tijuana Bariatric Surgery does a comprehensive evaluation to help you determine if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery.

If you’re severely overweight and haven’t been able to lose weight with other methods, surgery could be the best and safest option for long-term weight loss

Weight Loss News

Tijuana Bariatric Surgery - Dr. Jorge Castillo

Start An Online Consultation from Your Home

Start an online consultation at Tijuana Bariatric Surgery with Dr. Jorge Castillo from the comfort and safety of your home.